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nice features to have "request"

Started by Denmark, November 28, 2009, 05:49:59 PM

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Maybe this could be a "nice to have features request thread".

Here is my first, other then the dropdown trigger setup for subaru trigger pattern.

Is it diffecult to make the rpm limit temp related, as this is a extreme nice way to protect the engine.

make try to DL the link program

To see how it is setup on this , nice feature,

In PC link you can open a base map, so you can see how it fuction with a driveble map from all the selecteble cars, that´s how it supposed to be :)

working on the boxer


I hope to see some things from what Andrey already use in his own car:

stepless camshaft control. For two cams if possible. And with two hardware control types: pwm (subaru), H-bridge (VW 1.8T, BMW M-engines)

simple traction control based on driven and non driven wheel difference.

Both things would lead to revolutionary Versatility. :)



DTA-s have a dyno box with two potentiometer knobs for fuel and ignition advance, and button to save tuned values for the chosed cell of tables. And the interpolating is switchable off, when Ecu use the nearest cell values.
Any similar feature and cheap device would be fine for dyno mappping.


Quote from: z0tya on December 01, 2009, 06:34:53 PM
DTA-s have a dyno box with two potentiometer knobs for fuel and ignition advance, and button to save tuned values for the chosed cell of tables. And the interpolating is switchable off, when Ecu use the nearest cell values.
Any similar feature and cheap device would be fine for dyno mappping.

I have found the 3D tuning maps in Megatune VERY quick to tune on the dyno. My dyno man just looks atthe screen at to find the throttle position relative to the map holds it there while I increase or decrease to bring lambda in line with target lamda, giving time to verify the readings, then move on to the next point. I managed to map all the points from 2k up to 5k in less than half an hour. After that we tuned the full throttle points only and extrapolated the rest.

I have yet to try any 3d tuning in Vemstune, as it needs an amount of re learn on my part.

On subject

I would like to see, to name a few ;D

At least one expensive Misc output (as in 1.1.47)

Simple engine check output (similar to 1.1.47)

Second wideband chanel for monitoring ONLY

Configurable delay power off function for electric waterpump and fan run on (similar to fuel pump control)

PWM electric water pump 'temperature' control

And for an exoctic release, siamese code in a similar vain to latest megasquirt code.

I think that is about it ;D :D ;)


Audi signal dash output for ABY / ADU / AAN would complete VEMS IMO


What about an output function test menue?

Using DTA for example. You can test the injectors and the coils for functionality. The software pulses the injectors at an increasing rate, then starts over. Very usefull to find sticking injectors, especialy if they have been recently cleaned, and injectors that flood the engine

Example of DTA testing And they do the same with the ignition. Lots of warnings and safety built into the software so you dont blow up the engine or yourself :D

Another simple feature. LEDs to show which outputs are on or off.

Not asking for much am I  :D

Tony C

CAN bus/OB11 compatible would be nice,
possibly make fault finding a bit easier with a code reader.

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
Sponsored by: &
Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74

[email protected]

The testing part is already being made at this moment, screen shot from latest development...
Will also be made for injector outputs

Regarding the enabled outputs being shown will take some more thought, but i'd say its a good idea, just won't be finished soon..


Excellent progress Emil.

That testing thing will be very useful for people doing trouble shooting.

How about Setting the ignition output window so people can input their firing order or select it from a drop down menu.
Then just select wire outputs as things are wired to coils and the software does the rest??

This traversed backwards stuff is and never has been a good idea. In my opinion at least.


The testing thing is already there for the ignition if you can use a Term program.  Would be nice to see it work for the injectors too though, and GUIs win over terminals every day.  :)


Quote from: dnb on December 25, 2009, 02:28:35 AM
The testing thing is already there for the ignition if you can use a Term program.  Would be nice to see it work for the injectors too though,

I did not think you could pulse the ignition outputs using the terminal program in the way you can with DTA, I dont know, but that is the point, only a few people know, and that there is the problem :-\

and GUIs win over terminals every day.  :)

Totaly agree



I have suffered engine failure while on N2O. The reason is not yet known other than the engine ran shockingly lean while on NOS. This was not intentional and I suspect a blocked fuel jet as it had just been retuned and had been running for about an hour no problems.

Anyway, this got me thinking about the warning light output. I could perhaps use this to kill the N2O when the lambda even hinted at going lean, at full throttle. It looks like everything is there to do this. However,  there doesnt look like there is anything latching. Basicaly I dont want the N2O to come back in again when the lambda recovers, so perhaps there could be one additional field for 'reset on rpm below' so if that was set for say 100rpm, it would mean you would have to turn the engine off to reset it. Not such a bad thing when it could save the engine, especialy when you know what it meant at full throttle with N2O active


Quote from: Sprocket on January 05, 2010, 08:09:05 AM

I have suffered engine failure while on N2O. The reason is not yet known other than the engine ran shockingly lean while on NOS. This was not intentional and I suspect a blocked fuel jet as it had just been retuned and had been running for about an hour no problems.

Anyway, this got me thinking about the warning light output. I could perhaps use this to kill the N2O when the lambda even hinted at going lean, at full throttle. It looks like everything is there to do this. However,  there doesnt look like there is anything latching. Basicaly I dont want the N2O to come back in again when the lambda recovers, so perhaps there could be one additional field for 'reset on rpm below' so if that was set for say 100rpm, it would mean you would have to turn the engine off to reset it. Not such a bad thing when it could save the engine, especialy when you know what it meant at full throttle with N2O active
you can make to that, when warning is active then to switch to config B(like safe map) when you don't have N20 enabled.


Quote from: MWfire on January 05, 2010, 03:36:15 PM
Quote from: Sprocket on January 05, 2010, 08:09:05 AM

I have suffered engine failure while on N2O. The reason is not yet known other than the engine ran shockingly lean while on NOS. This was not intentional and I suspect a blocked fuel jet as it had just been retuned and had been running for about an hour no problems.

Anyway, this got me thinking about the warning light output. I could perhaps use this to kill the N2O when the lambda even hinted at going lean, at full throttle. It looks like everything is there to do this. However,  there doesnt look like there is anything latching. Basicaly I dont want the N2O to come back in again when the lambda recovers, so perhaps there could be one additional field for 'reset on rpm below' so if that was set for say 100rpm, it would mean you would have to turn the engine off to reset it. Not such a bad thing when it could save the engine, especialy when you know what it meant at full throttle with N2O active
you can make to that, when warning is active then to switch to config B(like safe map) when you don't have N20 enabled.

So the warning light is already latching?

if so i could just use the above thory to disable the n20 rather tha changing the whole config?