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VemsTune and 1.1.6x release

Started by mattias, November 25, 2009, 12:12:31 AM

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Im interested to buy this ecu but reading through all this topic puts me off, I wanted to download vems programe but dont know which one to use, the wiki pages are not so useful, the hardware specs seem good, but what actually works in the software?  All these codes for guys with no programing skills are a nightmare.  Who actually runs vems? 


When i use the latest vemstune it crash when i enter the Web firmware tool, it ude to do that in earlyer versions aswell, but have worked in between

working on the boxer


Quote from: blown_g on February 03, 2010, 01:08:23 AM
Im interested to buy this ecu but reading through all this topic puts me off, I wanted to download vems programe but dont know which one to use, the wiki pages are not so useful, the hardware specs seem good, but what actually works in the software?  All these codes for guys with no programing skills are a nightmare.  Who actually runs vems? 

It would be best for you to contact the nearest dealer/enthusiast/re-seller in your area.

Tell us where you are located and someone here should be able to help you out.

I am in the USA, I do ship overseas in my main market (VW/Audi). But if the application is different, I would help you find someone closer to your location.


I'm sorry. Just joking.  ;)

I had the same problem you have. If you buy the vems you'll learn a lot. All the guys here where/are of a lot off help.  ;D

[email protected]

So far no-one has died installing a unit.


Quote from: [email protected] on February 03, 2010, 03:10:26 AM
So far no-one has died installing a unit.

I think I lost a few brain cells though in the early days :D


Im in UK, i tried to call VEMS in Hungary but I couldnt find anybody to give me advice, emalied them no reply.

I do have experience with stand alone systems, I have dealt/tuned aem,neptune/hondata, sds.  I have found that these systems are easy to use some more advanced that others but most important the information and support is there readily available and in a sorted order.  I have read instalation pages, some bits of information missing.

To be honest I havent been able to use the vems software or practice with its feature yet, not sure if you can sample with no ecu connection?? at one stage I was stuck with the full screen  :P had to reinstall ect.

As a buyer i want to see more consistency on guidance and support for this product from the manufacturer as lets face it most ecu's will have some sort of problem of some kind.  AEM and SDS in particularly that I have dealt with have given me great support on problems I have encountered.

In terms of hardware on paper VEMS seems like a good system, but lack of some information or rather the way is presented will make some potential buyers out there to go for other options ie Megasquirt, DTA or other similarly prices systems.

Maybe Im not geek enough to handle VEMS yet  ;D


What is your motor application?

Usually the only problem is trigger settings, after that things are usually always the same.

There are alot of known simple configuration that get pased around, while some other as more difficult,

Here is the location of some Vems users and tuners that can be of assistance.,923.0.html


its VW 16V ABA turbo.  I was wondering if I can use the stock temp sensors for coolant and air, how well does the stock 3 or 2 wire ISV work with VEMS?

I have a standalone as it is, looking to switch to vems, main use for multiple fuel maps ie e85 and fuel.  How many maps can you save?

So is tuning done through megatune which is what megasquirt people have developed?  Going through megatune I found it ok to use, but the version 1.7 of vems cant get my head around it.  Can someone point me to a working version of vems and can I play with it while offline?


Download this program

file - project - create new project

name it something and hit Save and Load.

Now you can review all the possible options in that firmware and manipulate it any way you can. This will allow easy offline adjusting.

You can run 2 configs using VEMS.


Hey guys, which is the most stable version of the new firmware?  I have Toyota style CAS, 24+1.  I was told to check out the new firmware to try to get acceleration enleanment, which is one of the last things I feel I'm lacking with VEMS.


PS, blended Alpha-N and SD, which is very beneficial for cars with ITB's...I heard the new firmware supports this too?


I repeat what jrussel said in another thread .
Wait for a month or two for the official release. The current (1.1.6x) releases are for development and testing, not meant for widespread use.



1.1.67 Super Boost controller , knock detection only after 7200 rpm  ::) tried on 3 different cars Audi AAN, 3B, and 1.8T.
Knock Diff gauge always aktiv after 7000 RPM I tried various configurations, almost the same.  ???

sorry for my bad English.


Quote from: dainiuxsky on February 09, 2010, 04:19:28 PM

1.1.67 Super Boost controller , knock detection only after 7200 rpm  ::) tried on 3 different cars Audi AAN, 3B, and 1.8T.
Knock Diff gauge always aktiv after 7000 RPM I tried various configurations, almost the same.  ???

sorry for my bad English.

sd card loggin on? there is no knock detection when sd log on..