Author Topic: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release  (Read 219321 times)

Offline mattias

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VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« on: November 25, 2009, 12:12:31 am »
Myself and Emil have been to VEMS HQ the past week and helped bring VemsTune forward to a more useable state. Work includes some useful changes to 1.1.6x firmware like separate cranking and afterstart tables, improvements in injector staging and ALS and maybe most importantly the in-program "Press F1 for help" documentation actually covers most dialogs (to be forever continued I guess).

I think we are weeks from having a test release that is pretty much better than any combination of MegaTune and old firmwares that you've seen. It would be nice to hear from people later on if they have ANY reason to hang on to older firmwares and MegaTune, there shouldn't be any.

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2009, 01:40:44 am »
With guided information to upgrade to a stable .6X firmware from various older versions then I don´t see a reason to stick to anything old.

Knowing you two guys actually contributed information to documentation is very nice.

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2009, 03:22:33 am »
First: thank you for posting here!! :)
It is very welcome changes in firmwares! Many small and no so small changes since 1.1.27 bring VEMS level higher. Now it is possible smoothly run both: race and every day cars!
Last ones I liked - support of dizzy coil, fast acceleration. And now separated cranking/afterstart! And so many things work so well!

What depends Vemstune - there is not everything so smooth.
I use 1.1.53 with Megatune. Here is main reasons:
I am not able to adopt VT hotkeys like on MT. (coarse tuning: Ctrl+Shift-up/down)
Some 3D rotating problems. Especialy for spark map. Horizontal axis rotating is limited for some reason.
In VT arrow directions is coded against 3D window not graph itself (just checked big M... directions are linked to graph). It sits in my fingers: right arrow=more rpms; up arrow=higher load...
How to equal all selected cells let's say to 24? 
But main reason is limited Mega Log Viewer support. It is very reasonable tuning tool: fast, simple, reliable...
Msq export still do not work.
Live datalog do not work. (Ctrl-T in MLV)
I did not find key to mark some event (e.g. knocking) during logging and later find this mark in MLV graphs. Converting to csv is slow. VT itself do not offer any reasonable .vemslog file analyzing. What in reality is reason to playback file and watching on 10 gauges? IMO it is historical thing from old DOS tuning programs. Now visual representation of huge amount of logged data in desired shape is the key. Let's say to plot knock value map in 3D based on average or max values. Or Ego correction depending on MAT. I know - it is so hard to create good software tool. But why then drop compatibility with MLV?

I know many dyno operators prefer manual tuning. But on VEMS VE tuning is just mechanical work -  VE table really represent Volumetric Efficiency. Let computer do it automatically! Manual tune is necessity for lambda table, spark table and many constants and curves. Even on dyno I allow MLV to do the job - there are other important things for attention. Close to perfect Ego correction allow it!

Then output folders is some kind of mystery. VT saves files without asking where. And then it is hard to find where it is: documents, vems documents, C: , ProgramFiles...

I hope my chart isn't too depressing! And some of these things are solvable with ease.

EDIT: one more thing - MT in 3D graph by hitting Z gives top view of graph. Very usable when set table bins.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 03:06:05 am by GintsK »

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2009, 11:39:13 am »
To all involved - thank you for your work!

I cannot stress enough how a quality software tuning/datalogging interface will help improve sales.

I have been holding back on using/offering many of the newest functions, because I cannot bring myself to use the VEMSTune program.  I have had trouble with the lack of documentation, the strange nature of some of the functions (could not open a configuration file until a certain version?), the lack of simple things such as a default gauge layout, etc.

Regarding the Firnware - I have trouble understanding why every new version brings some new features, but also new problems, with existing functions that worked well before?

I would strongly prefer that the VEMSTune be made compatible with MLV (MegaLogViewer), in my opinion, this is one of the best aspects of the VEMS/MT ecu's.

Please keep us updated here of your progress.

I'd like to help if you are accepting volunteers. I can provide input based off of my experience with different ecu brands. Mattias, I will send you a PM about this.


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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2009, 10:40:16 pm »
yep it´s all great if there just were some info on how to make the features work, meaning there is a total lack of info on how to set the new parameters,

I would like to try if the subaru trigger can work in some of the newer firmware, as the cranking trouble that was with it in the older firmware, but it´s not possible to set the reftooth table, as its seems that noone know what to fill the table with,
so i would suggest that there will be made a trigger dropdown menu, like there is now, but it needs to be the with more cars,

working on the boxer

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2009, 04:42:55 am »
Aha so your the famous duo i've heard about!

I've been told about some the features to do with cranking and it sound very good

Offline mattias

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2009, 05:45:29 am »
This will be a long post, but there is a lot to be said.

About upgrading from older firmwares. I'll get around to try this myself and maybe work around it or at least give you a guide.  There are many new tables and some individual settings have been removed and some added. Luckily there are decent defaults for the new settings and tables - by new years I think there will be defaults for most stuff like general cranking tables for gasoline and E85/ethanol. The tricky part if you're upgrading from 1.0.x firmware is normally the trigger tooth table - it can be worked out with better documentation or defaults if the engine configuration is a common one.

Typical trigger setups can be contributed and made into default settings in a dropdown, there are already some like the BMW 60-2. Not sure about the Subaru trigger, but if anything it should work a lot better now as 1.1.x is superior especially for the trigger versatility with the most recent versions as of the past summer. I'll make sure to bring that up, I'll get news from HQ tomorrow.

Too many strange and undocumented settings is something I've wanted to remove, while that's not nearly resolved we got some things removed and those that are left are better documented.  Some stuff is just plain obvious, things that normal users never really touch - like wideband PID settings, only the calibration is necessary in practice. I know that configuration handling has been greatly improved, some old 1.0.x are not supported in a good way but it  warns about all mis-matches when you upgrade !
The in-program documentation will help immensly with some useability issues, now that there at least is not a total lack of it. The main two undocumented features are for the Idle PID controller and ALS, the first is Marcells job and the second is Fero (Hungarian installer). I was promised this would be on the agenda so I hope to see some results of that very soon and not when it's within minutes of an official release...
Without a doubt some stuff can still be clarified more, at least we've put up the main framework.

About useability..

How VT handles files might have been strange in the early stages, you now set a working directory. For each new box that connects with VT a new unique folder named by you is where all config and log files will be dumped, for anyone that wonders how? The serial number of the box is used along with a name of your choice.

Seeing the important data in one screen is important, me and Emil worked on a decent default gauge layout with 3D and 2D table views of the main stuff, the moving target and actual lambda gauge with a graph below is a real neat feature that makes datalogging less of a necessity in many situations.  There is always a need to custom-make things that are very specific, like for idle or boost control tuning, and that is a big step away from how MegaTune works (or really didn't work at all).

 The main operation in the 2D and 3D table is through QWER keys (big dec, small dec, small inc, big inc). If you want something different there is only Shift + arrows used to select bins that can collide. Ctrl and Alt are left to be used with arrow keys, a good complement to QWER - it should be added!
Other than that.. I personally always map spark in 2D, but each to his own I guess. I must see the number, not a 3D vector line that can be spun around.


MegaLogViewer support is important as long as there isn't an internal function that is better. We brought this up already last week that it was not working, I have to check up on the progress. Either way the big thing which VT brings is the SIPR protocol and higher serial port speeds which will allow for higher datalogging frequency, at 19200 you're already at 20+ Hz. This could be improved a lot but there is a lot about how datalogging is handled that would require change to make this frequency even higher if anyone actually needs it. Some systems only datalog things like coolant temp a few times each second, while lambda is nice to have at a faster update frequency. By the way, you can always see the frequency in the status bar.

Aside from datalogging, but related,  you will probably like the Real Time data acquisition system. It will compare to target lambda and in each VE bin suggest a correction depending on how many samples and deviation. I don't know how far it's come but there is definately progress and there was good code written by a member from the UK that is a member on this forum.

As far as manual/"mechanical" or automatic tuning I'm personally afraid to use EGO correction for anything but tuning the  low load and cruising part of the VE table. You have to be pretty close to the final tune to be able to trust it and even then a mis-fire can wreak havoc given too much free control for the EGO correction algorithm.  I usually run open loop and  work out everything in real-time and when the load is higher it's all datalogging, and I'm pretty sure my methods will change once the Real Time data system is tested and functional as that will make VE tuning into a really quick procedure if you have a dyno load cell.

Until then, manual tuning is always needed. The 3D and 2D view of all the tables is very nice! You can do more than I've seen in 99% of tuning software.  You can select all or parts of the table and do all of the following operations :
- increase/decrease (large + small)
- multiply/divide
- interpolate
- set value(s)
- lock/unlock cells
In addition, in 2D mode you can "paint" with a value by pressing shift and then moving around to other bins with the arrow keys.

You guys bring up many valid points,  most are easily solvable and that was what I found to be the case during my visit - a short list of changes was given to the programmers everyday and progress was instant. I'm not sure on the order within the the priority list but the main problems that the programmers are working on right now are :
- datalogging
- real time statistics
- internal log viewing
- and simply removing developer crud and things normal users don't want.

There is very little project management to deal with development efforts in my mind, I hope that we find a way to channel the thoughts of everyone in a better way. The old VEMS Wiki is a joke in this respect but some of it's pages are still very valid for what's recent and actually working but the usefulness is kind of lost in the noise.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 06:15:46 am by mattias »


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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2009, 06:01:32 pm »

I am not able to adopt VT hotkeys like on MT. (coarse tuning: Ctrl+Shift-up/down)

- You would have to alter your hot keys to do this, as ctrl- is used for copying of data from cell to cell, and shift for highlighting a area on the table. All hotkeys can be edited, and there is a possibility to set up multiple profiles for this.

Some 3D rotating problems. Especialy for spark map. Horizontal axis rotating is limited for some reason.
In VT arrow directions is coded against 3D window not graph itself (just checked big M... directions are linked to graph). It sits in my fingers: right arrow=more rpms; up arrow=higher load...

- I have to check this, I usually use 3D table only for VE tuning, and 2D for the rest

How to equal all selected cells let's say to 24? 

- Use shift-button to tag a square, and enter number.

But main reason is limited Mega Log Viewer support. It is very reasonable tuning tool: fast, simple, reliable...
Msq export still do not work.
Live datalog do not work. (Ctrl-T in MLV)
I did not find key to mark some event (e.g. knocking) during logging and later find this mark in MLV graphs. Converting to csv is slow.

- Have to test this as well, I do a lot of log converting and have never thought it was slow. never even tried the msq conversion, will return about that.

VT itself do not offer any reasonable .vemslog file analyzing. What in reality is reason to playback file and watching on 10 gauges? IMO it is historical thing from old DOS tuning programs.

- The automatic playback will be removed, but you will still have the option to play it back.
- There is a built in log viewer being developed at this moment, will probably be there in next released test version.

Now visual representation of huge amount of logged data in desired shape is the key. Let's say to plot knock value map in 3D based on average or max values. Or Ego correction depending on MAT. I know - it is so hard to create good software tool. But why then drop compatibility with MLV?

- There is a configurable statistics function being made. Currently can show a table of "Count", "Min", "Max", "Mean" and "Variance" in a table form.
- Is compatibility with MLV really dropped, or is it not finished yet?
- You are still able to use megatune with vems if you like that program more. Megatune is a bit limited on other things, so all settings can not be easily worked with. I have used megatune to do actual logging and vemstune for changes waiting for the log viewing / analysis of vemstune

I know many dyno operators prefer manual tuning. But on VEMS VE tuning is just mechanical work -  VE table really represent Volumetric Efficiency. Let computer do it automatically! Manual tune is necessity for lambda table, spark table and many constants and curves. Even on dyno I allow MLV to do the job - there are other important things for attention. Close to perfect Ego correction allow it!
-  There will be a builtin function similar to autronic's "Mixture Table" to start from

Then output folders is some kind of mystery. VT saves files without asking where. And then it is hard to find where it is: documents, vems documents, C: , ProgramFiles...

- You can choose any "Working Directory", where each ECU-directory is created, and logs / configs that you save will be stored by default in this ECU specific directory.

I hope my chart isn't too depressing! And some of these things are solvable with ease.
- definately not depressing, some of the things are already solved and some are in the works.

EDIT: one more thing - MT in 3D graph by hitting Z gives top view of graph. Very usable when set table bins.
- never thought about this use of that function, I have only been annoyed when accidentally pushed that button. I use the 2D table to set the bins. Right click on the RPM or KPA bins and you can "Insert" (actually steals highest bin from that axis and moves it to your chosen position),  "Move" a bin (and automatically recalculates table values), and you can also "Edit" your bin (Changes number without doing recalculation), though the idea of seeing the table from top in 3D will be added to the list of functions.


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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2009, 07:14:20 pm »
Well done and keep us updated on anything new regarding the new VT versions.

I too believe that a megalogviewer is needed as it helps do tuning so easy

as far as idle PID and idle tuning i have contacted Marcell and it has been posted on the vems wiki page about my thoughts esp. for the audi users.I have read and managed to fiddle around the PID settings a lot, giving me now a very stable idle.

if you want i can email you my thoughts on the matter and see what can help you


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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2009, 08:27:54 pm »
One thing that we could do here on the forum is actually post what we find with these mystery settings, this could then allow the findings to be digested and either pasted directly onto the wiki or sent to who ever is doing the documentation.  I stopped developing any documentation a while ago because things kept changing without any notice - maybe if there is stability in the release procedure documentation wont be such a pointless, thankless task.

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2009, 11:04:30 pm »
This forum could be by far the best tool to keep people updated on the status of new features/vemstune/etc.

About VEMSTune, it is getting a lot better. But unless you are a mind-reader, you would never know it!

Because if you go to the vemstune wiki page, , it tells you there have been no updates since 8-28-2009.

For example, we could start a new thread today and sticky it, and title it: "VEMSTune Updates",
And if you logged in you could see about the new features like:
"WB and TPS Calibration Tools",
"Output Channel Visual", the improved layout, and more.

And also, it would be easy to find out things like, the datalogger does not work, etc.

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2009, 02:09:20 am »
You are right I couldn't understand why the page wasn't updated yet if you click the download link you see the new versions

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2009, 05:55:10 am »
  Some stuff is just plain obvious, things that normal users never really touch - like wideband PID settings, only the calibration is necessary in practice. I know that configuration handling has been greatly improved, some old 1.0.x are not supported in a good way but it  warns about all mis-matches when you upgrade !

My thougts about 1.0 an 1.1 branch - i think more and more functions, settings, constants are more and more self explaining oposite to 1.0.x where some constants was deep mystery - hard or even not possible to understand. But of course hitting F1 is much more nicely than digging in wiki to find nothing :)

How VT handles files might have been strange in the early stages, you now set a working directory. For each new box that connects with VT a new unique folder named by you is where all config and log files will be dumped, for anyone that wonders how? The serial number of the box is used along with a name of your choice.
Is it changed during last two relises? I have folders with box serial number and given name on C: directly all empty. And same in My Documents\VEMS_Files\ Both are not my desired places where to store data. When I connect new board VT asks just for project name, but not location....
Seeing the important data in one screen is important, me and Emil worked on a decent default gauge layout with 3D and 2D table views of the main stuff, the moving target and actual lambda gauge with a graph below is a real neat feature that makes datalogging less of a necessity in many situations.  There is always a need to custom-make things that are very specific, like for idle or boost control tuning, and that is a big step away from how MegaTune works (or really didn't work at all).
Can you also take care to not destroy previous settings when installing new version of VT. It happened time to time with older versions.
One more issue is screen resolution of my current laptop 1400x1050. I see 5 and 1/2 gauge in each row :) But it is not problem if my file is not overwrited during upgrade.

Other than that.. I personally always map spark in 2D, but each to his own I guess. I must see the number, not a 3D vector line that can be spun around.

This point is important: there are many succesive tuning strategies around. Some tuner feels comfortable just with numerical tables, some can't imagine life without 3D edditor (me), some use mouse w/o problems, some hate it and so on.. up to small but important details (later example). So sharing experiences and suggestions between users is urgent during creating of good s/w tool (it is why VEMS is successive - many experiences/knowledge in one resulting product). And this is the point where VT limped on both legs. Up to yesterday! :)


MegaLogViewer support is important as long as there isn't an internal function that is better.

agree with that. But as I wrote, it is tool coded by deep talent (Phil Tobin).  And it will be hard to overtake. It is very handy today. Are someone notice, how nice is average statsistics tool in bottom of graphs accesible by dragging mouse along datalog part?!
I recently tuned MBE unit Its datalog tool seems quite advanced. But some things killed me - perceptibility, migrating over datalog, numerical data in side window apart from graphs... I filled myself like with no fingers. Case when badly designed features kills simplicity of simple using.

We brought this up already last week that it was not working, I have to check up on the progress. Either way the big thing which VT brings is the SIPR protocol and higher serial port speeds which will allow for higher datalogging frequency, at 19200 you're already at 20+ Hz. This could be improved a lot but there is a lot about how datalogging is handled that would require change to make this frequency even higher if anyone actually needs it. Some systems only datalog things like coolant temp a few times each second, while lambda is nice to have at a faster update frequency. By the way, you can always see the frequency in the status bar.
I have 24 samples per second in latest 1.1.53 datalog with MT, but lambda value changes just every ~4 samples. I think because of some filtration inside board. Most important datalog rate is for knock logging.

As far as manual/"mechanical" or automatic tuning I'm personally afraid to use EGO correction for anything but tuning the  low load and cruising part of the VE table. You have to be pretty close to the final tune to be able to trust it and even then a mis-fire can wreak havoc given too much free control for the EGO correction algorithm.  I usually run open loop and  work out everything in real-time and when the load is higher it's all datalogging, and I'm pretty sure my methods will change once the Real Time data system is tested and functional as that will make VE tuning into a really quick procedure if you have a dyno load cell.
When wrote mechanical I tried to describe fact that VEMS have exact VE table for given engine. If it is tuned by hand or tuned by software -  no difference in results. It has no any creative/artistic part where tuner care is needed.
Belive me, no any problems to use lambda correction over all loads/speeds during tuning. Yes it require some care for smoothness in strat map and driving. But it works wonderfully on VEMS. I use EgoC support even at 2.5bar boost! BTW MLV do not need EgoC switched on.

It is one significiant difference between real time automated tuning and on datlog analysis based. Second one have one important advantage. Very important! It do not change any cell during run. If manual or VE learning alike tool works in real time it cripple table around tuning point. It makes everything around this point unstable, especialy if entry table is far from output table. But when using datalog based kind - there is no such problem, because routine do not create problem for itself - table stays as is. And if nothing bother egocorection (accel/deccel) output is very clean.
In first look real time method seems faster. But it is oposite in fact. No matter  - dyno or especialy road tuning is used. I respect my sentences about different strategies wroten higher: it would be nice to keep both routes by choice :)

You guys bring up many valid points,  most are easily solvable and that was what I found to be the case during my visit - a short list of changes was given to the programmers everyday and progress was instant. I'm not sure on the order within the the priority list but the main problems that the programmers are working on right now are :
- datalogging
- real time statistics
- internal log viewing
- and simply removing developer crud and things normal users don't want.
From my point of view one of main points should be MLV comparability. It would tear out main reason why to use MT. And as result much higher user comunity.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 12:15:37 am by GintsK »

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2009, 05:55:46 am »
I am not able to adopt VT hotkeys like on MT. (coarse tuning: Ctrl+Shift-up/down)

- You would have to alter your hot keys to do this, as ctrl- is used for copying of data from cell to cell, and shift for highlighting a area on the table. All hotkeys can be edited, and there is a possibility to set up multiple profiles for this.
I thik problem is different: Ctrl+Shift-arrow change window hight of 3d edditor. It is hardcoded and IMHO unnecessary.
Here is my 3d hotkeys

How to equal all selected cells let's say to 24? 

- Use shift-button to tag a square, and enter number.

It cahnges just one cell of marked area. Or I do something wrong. Mark desired area-> hit Enter -> write desired value -> hit Enter.= just one cell... (in numeric table)

But main reason is limited Mega Log Viewer support. It is very reasonable tuning tool: fast, simple, reliable...
Msq export still do not work.
Live datalog do not work. (Ctrl-T in MLV)
I did not find key to mark some event (e.g. knocking) during logging and later find this mark in MLV graphs. Converting to csv is slow.

- Have to test this as well, I do a lot of log converting and have never thought it was slow. never even tried the msq conversion, will return about that.
It depends to what comparing. In MT/MLV variant open datalog (if it is not live and already running) take 2 seconds (otherwise 0 seconds), then saving msq and opening it take another 3 seconds. Then let's say 30 seconds for analysis (datalog size dependent), 10 seconds for backing up undesired areas, 5 seconds for export and opening loading new map in MT. About 50 seconds. It is pretty fast! Now try to repeat it on VT :) :). In overall 20 minutes for finished VE map!
No matter dyno or road!

Now visual representation of huge amount of logged data in desired shape is the key. Let's say to plot knock value map in 3D based on average or max values. Or Ego correction depending on MAT. I know - it is so hard to create good software tool. But why then drop compatibility with MLV?

- There is a configurable statistics function being made. Currently can show a table of "Count", "Min", "Max", "Mean" and "Variance" in a table form.
Ouch! Perfect! I will not sleep tonight! :)

- Is compatibility with MLV really dropped, or is it not finished yet?
- You are still able to use megatune with vems if you like that program more. Megatune is a bit limited on other things, so all settings can not be easily worked with. I have used megatune to do actual logging and vemstune for changes waiting for the log viewing / analysis of vemstune
Here is another problem: no Megatune for newest versions. And VT now seems promising in many areas.

Then output folders is some kind of mystery. VT saves files without asking where. And then it is hard to find where it is: documents, vems documents, C: , ProgramFiles...

- You can choose any "Working Directory", where each ECU-directory is created, and logs / configs that you save will be stored by default in this ECU specific directory.

I will try to sort it out!

EDIT: one more thing - MT in 3D graph by hitting Z gives top view of graph. Very usable when set table bins.
- never thought about this use of that function, I have only been annoyed when accidentally pushed that button. I use the 2D table to set the bins.
Different tuners, different maners. Personaly it is hard for me find too close or too far axis on numerical table, but I know someone without such perception problem.

Right click on the RPM or KPA bins and you can "Insert" (actually steals highest bin from that axis and moves it to your chosen position),  "Move" a bin (and automatically recalculates table values), and you can also "Edit" your bin (Changes number without doing recalculation), though the idea of seeing the table from top in 3D will be added to the list of functions.
It is what we missed. Just one suggestion: it wold be nice possibility if "move" allows move axle over others (1200->4600). It is needed more often than trash out last axle.

Thank you guys for your push and writing here. Beneficial!

« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 03:32:48 pm by GintsK »

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Re: VemsTune and 1.1.6x release
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2009, 03:19:49 pm »
Latest firmware is out, but no separate cranking and afterstart as said on the Wiki.
Is this a .ini file problem?