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I had problem with then, they just ignored me.
I asked if they can send 10 sensors ,and they said ok with 10%off and 140$ for shipping Spark plug cost about 300$,but I have made one myself for free well almost.I destroyed many before I have done one.Now its easy.I will come up with some pictures soon.
What are expected cylinder pressures on high boost gasoline engines?Have you asked for the price of 250 bar sensor?
Do you have any pictures of your modded spark plug.
i love the progress!what are you using to collect the data at this point? do you need to sample data at a certain time?
So basically you are drilling a port right through the steel body of the plug so it can access the chamber ?
The fitting the sensor into the plug body ?
Wont that damage the plug at all ? Or does it still perform ok ?
Interesting stuff.