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Speed signal from GPS instead of a wheel.

Started by gunni, October 13, 2009, 09:10:20 PM

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Now I  have been thinking about this as a feature on PnP solutions and ad on to normal units.

Where can I find a GPS unit that outputs a 0-5v signal as representation of speed . Say 0-250mph or whatever.
I think this could be a great substitution for a Hz signal into the ecu.
And cost wise it shouldn´t be expensive at all.

[email protected]

Have a read of this:
Most if not all GPS put out NMEA strings.  This would allow a software module to convert your GPS output to the pulses you want.


Thanks, I saw all the GPS stuff on the SparkFun site and it seems like adding a GPS module to the ecu that outputs the stream could be the "simplest" way. I.e full GPS logging and viewing in your own standalone ecu is something amazing and can create so many enhanced features. I just don´t know what form of interfacing would be needed .

Unfortunatelly I´m just the last person to be programming things. But maybe I could do it.


only thing i hate about GPS is the time it takes to locate the signal.  I have a racelogic performancebox which is GPS based, but you have to wait a few minutes for it to pick up the signal, etc. Sometimes it drops out.  But besides that, it is great.

Just might want to include some sort of warning light / buzzer if the signal is dropped.


That´s only when you don´t have a good signal as you should always use an antenna.

Race Technologies GPS logging picks up a GPS signal within 20seconds from startup .