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new to vems. failing at first hurdle

Started by Hutchie, October 25, 2009, 07:23:51 PM

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which pins do i connect ignition to
4cyl running wasted spark

heres the info on my ecu 1419

Assembled v3.3 controller
  - Flyback: 30V flyback
  - ignition driver: 4
  - Knock and EGT: yes
  - MAP connection: 400kPa (6/4mm pneumatic)
  - mounting-style: screws
  - primary_trigger: VR
  - secondary_trigger: HALL


i have a choice of going direct to the coil or using the existing ignitors on the vehicle, from the last standalone setup.

cheers hutchie

[email protected]


is it best wiring direct to coil or through an ignitor???


Depends on your ecu setup.
you may well find that your ecu has igniters or drivers built in.

[email protected]

Four ignition drivers, you can wire it as shown.


If your ecu get´s rpm, then you need to verify that the output wires are indeed sending a signal to the coil.
Best would be an oscilloscope.
But you could unhook the wire from the coil, and measure continuity to ground while cranking the engine, you should if you multimeter has a beep function hear the beep come on and of. Or connect a light bulp to 12v on the other side, it will then turn on and off


i connected a multimeter, and it does not beep on cranking, is there anything to configure in megatune???


You must have configured the ignition outputs.

Do you have your config available?


even if i did i wouldnt know where to start telling you about it.


Make sure you are using the correct dwell time and MAP scale value for the ignition coil. Set to 1 so that only VBatt is in use.

How have you set up the trigger refference table?


the more questions i ask on here the more i get


review EVERY menue and its settings!!!

Ignition coil dwell times are set in 'Ignition Settings' menue. Ignition coil dwell times are called 'Coil Charge Time @ 13.2v (ms)' this is normaly between 1.5 and 3.5ms

The next field underneath depends on which firmware you are using. The recent 1.1.xx firmares (read that as 1.1.42 onwards) it is called 'Coil Charge Time MAP scale' This should be set to 1 so that only battery compensation is activated. Battery compensation is then automtic. 0 will not adjust the coil charge time against the voltage and as such, with a dying battery at cranking, there may not be enough voltage to generate a spark. If you are using a 1.0.xx firmware this next field is instead called 'Coil Charge time added @ 6v (ms)' and as it describes adds the time value at 6v to the time value at 13.2v (14v) This is the battery compensation and is manualy set. I usualy set this for 50% of the value set at 13.2v (14v)

The trigger 'reference tooth table' (also known as h[1]) is only on the 1.1.xx firmwares and can be found in the advanced menu. This table needs to be set up so that it is a sort of image of the ignition output table (also called h[2]). This ALL depends on how you have set up the ignition outputs table h[2] on which driver on which cylinder and the type of trigger you have.

It would be best provide a fresh config and tables file, or at the very least to post up a screen shot of the 'Ignition outputs' h[2] table and the 'Reference tooth table' h[1]. Also tell us which EC36 pins you have connected the coil to. That way some one may be able to see whats missing

Download the config files is explained in the firmware upgrade topic in the 'software' forum (one above this 'configuration' forum on the main page)


thanks so much

ill go and try a few settings and see if i get any further.
i have connected ignition wires as rob showed me in a previous post.
i have had a quick look at the "tables" and they look ok. is it best in order to get it running safely to set advance the same value across the table. then adjust it when tuning.


just to add. i dont need to have everything wired up to have a spark do i, i have ecu wired up at the moment to tdc sensor and temp sensor then to the coil. i have rpm on megatune (100 rpm) on cranking, surely thats enough for it to create a spark in theory.