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new to vems. failing at first hurdle

Started by Hutchie, October 25, 2009, 07:23:51 PM

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Post up details about

your engine capacity
injection pressure
injector size
compression ratio

and somebody might be willing to piece together some values.

Do you have any values in the VE and ignition tables?


non turbo
on throttle boddies off a 1000cc motorbike so unsure of spec on injectors
11:1 comp ratio
wasted spark twin coil ignition
rpm limit of 8000
running 95 ron pump fuel


Well it´s going to be hard to help without knowing fuel pressure and injector size.

Are you going to run alpha-n or map sensor?


i cant run MAP sensor as theres baisically no manifold.
and no vaccum at idle as brake servo stops (was fine before high lift cams)

whats alpha-n?

fuel pressure is regulated from the tank, ie no return or regulator on the fuel rail.
and i have spent a fair bit of time previously trying to work out injector size, but to no avail :(


Alpha means Angle
N means rpm´s.

so it´s throttle angle vs rpm´s

You should be able to see the numbers on the injectors and look them up.


because they are injectors out of a motorcycle i am failing to find anywhere that lists info on them


heres a pic of the flywheel, there are 58 teeth including the big one, i assume this is 60-2???

are these settings correct?

crank min period (usec) what goes in here???


Number of teeth would be 58
Next trigger tooth depends on the number of cylinders.

So if you have 2 in trigger tooth, then 60/4 = 15
Next trigger tooth should be 15
I usually have 2224 in there, but I don´t know what it really does.



Well I only figured cause you have 1600cc engine?


yeah thats correct

returns this info

Crank Trigger Wheels!
Number of Cylinders: 4   
Trigger Wheel Type: 60-2   
Stroke: 4
Full Cycle: 720
Total Teeth: 60
Missing Teeth: 2
Angle Per Tooth: 6
Degrees per tooth for 8bit (255 samples): 2.125
Scaled degrees per tooth for 8bit (240 samples): 2
Scaled degrees per cycle: 240
Scaled degrees of missing teeth 6
Next Trigger tooth: 30
Scaled Degrees per Cylinder: 60


I made a mistake to change the 360 degrees into 4 cylinders, where it´s only 2, next 360 are for the next two, and then it starts again.


ok ill try it tomorrow night after work and see if i get an RPM, i dout it but theres always hope


tried ecu the other night and i got an rpm on cranking, i need the car this weekend, but then i will start swapping ecu's, expect to be hassled tuesday night when i cant get it to run lol