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new to vems. failing at first hurdle

Started by Hutchie, October 25, 2009, 07:23:51 PM

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yeah  :-\

nothing is ever simple for me :(

is there anyway i can see if there is definate power inside the box, LED's or anything?

No LEDs inside the box I'm afraid, you could maybe PM Sprockets or Gunni on here and see if they can take a look at it for you.

A quick power check would be to test the 5v pin - that would prove that the power is going into the box and getting stepped down to 5v


i have 5 volts being stepped down, so i have power, just i have no responce from ecu,

i do get an error message when i run megatune saying it hasnt recieved the correct table.

is this where i am going wrong?

If you fire up the Terminal program and send the unit an uppercase A the unit should respond with a string showing the current firmware.


Start up Megatune only, no terminal program. Select in the File menu 'off line'. Connect serial cable to ECU and PC. Go to the Communications menu, Select settings, then select the com port that you are using and click to test button. If it does not return a 'success' message, the com port is miss configured or the wiring is incorrect.

Once you recieve a success message, you then need to go back to the file menue and un check the offline selection.

The 'serial' port on nearly every PC is com1. Do you have any other software running in the background on your PC that might be grabbing com1(mouse, mobile phone, sat nav for example)? Have you tried another PC?

What is the exact warning/ error message that Megatune throws up? Screen capture and post a pic?

IIRC firmware after 1.0.79 use 19200 baude (AIM enabled firmware) and everything before was 9600.

Also, if you do not know what firmware is in the ECU, Megatune wont like the wrong version. Can we please see the error message?


You seem to be using a MegaSquirt version of MegaTune - VEMS is responding with the correct signature for it, but not for the MegaTune version.


i have now managed to get a version of megatune, the one you linked to earlier in this thread, thought it was one installed on laptop but obviously wasn't. anyhoo i can now open megatune without getting an error message but when i test it i still get no responce

and the terminal seems to return jibberish when i type an upper case A


at the top of the megatune window it reads

"MegaTune 2.25 - VEMS Genboard v3, 1.0.38"

if that helps

i bought the blue banded one... cvnt,979.0.html

Have a check in the File menu - does the offline item have a tick next to it?


i have tried that on and off,

terminal returns info when i press S and Q
vems genboard v3 1.0.38
vems v1.0 12x12 kpa2.1t


Probably you have to start from nothing anyway. 1.0.38 is pre Noa firmware. Only values usable is pump zero and nernst target - you have this values already.

I suggest you using this package with firmware and releted Megatune:
No need to install. Just unzip.

In package you will find tool for firmware update.



i must be retarded, i obviously have a connection to the Vems because i can retrieve firmware info off it,

but when trying to upload new firmware it tell me there is no connection....  ???

Are you uploading using the batchfiles?  In which case the new VemsTune package may be the better option - the batchfiles have a comm port setting inside them which might not match your actual port.



i have managed to get the firmware uploaded thats GintsK suggested.

i can connect to it brilliant :D

so now is this firmware ok to use and also whats the difference between 16x14 and 12x12??

can i get a rough basemap from somewhere or start from scratch??
