Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Speed Sensor Genboard Hardware modification

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--- Quote from: MWfire on October 22, 2009, 07:35:49 pm ---for hall use,717.msg7413.html#msg7413

--- End quote ---

Just a quick question about that schematic. The capacitor, is there one or two capacitors? the schematic lables show two capacitors but the diagram only shows one ???

One capacitor. 1nF or 4.7nF or 10nF. So far i thnink 4.7nF is the best.


--- Quote from: MWfire on October 27, 2009, 02:55:03 am ---You can use that solution for test,717.msg7413.html#msg7413 without R4(dont connect to pin1(+5V).
Inevitable put 4.7V or so zener diode.

BTW that is pinout for vems connector near procesor, not ps/2 connector.

--- End quote ---

Just worked out that the speed sensor for the bike clocks im using is infact 12v pull up on the clocks themselves.

Do I need to follow the above, and leave the 5v pull up on the board off?

Do I need the 4.7v zener instead of the 5.1v?

thanks again

you can remove pullup from board(5V), a you can put 4.7V zener diode


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