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Lost RPM + on Megatune only getting 4.82v

Started by Will, October 30, 2009, 06:26:53 PM

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Have actualy tried replacing the sensor? Those ones are only around £8


Was going to at the start, but got advised it was prob more likeyly config.
Think its worth me just buying one anyway, one less uncertainty then.


Just ordered a new sensor, I just hope it gets here in time as Im going for some coilovers to be fitted on Thurs and need my car working.

Fingers crossed, thanks for all the help so far guys.

[email protected]

Its really worth giving Gunni a shout mate, if I was closer I'd come over and have a look myself as this is just baffling.


Got the car running now ECU was tested by Gunni and it was fine.

Put new starter on and engine is spinning at about 250RPM like it used to.
Put new crank sensor on, needs to be moved closer to the trigger wheel but working ok.

Think most of my problems was the crank sensor but the docking station on the laptop hasnt helped!
Had some messed up setting on MT ended up with ignition settings of pre coil packs some how. It seems like MT or my docking station hasn't been fully sending the configs over when I have connected the laptop to the ECU.

Going to look into a USB to serial adaptor in the future...

[email protected]

Glad to hear that its sorted, now get out there and drift it ;)


Atleast I can get back to fine tuning the running of the car now.
Need to look at leaning the fueling while in normal driving modes ie traffic.
Also need to lean idle out.

Once I have done that I can look into the cranking more as cold isnt to bad but it takes about 4 goes if engine is warm etc.

If I get stuck I will post the Q's in the proper places on this forum.

Thanks Guys for all the help and sugestions you have made.


[email protected]

In many respects it would be a good idea at looking towards upgrading the firmware to the newer 1.1.6x version they're getting stabilized with VemsTune, the various enrichments (cranking, afterstart, acceleration) have been significantly enhanced.


It might be an idea I upgrade before I start fine tuning the Car.

Is it quite easy to migrate my current setup to the new firmwares?

[email protected]

In a nutshell I don't know as I've never done it - but it would be something that could be done here - if I few of us put our heads together we might even get some steps towards doing an upgrade How-to...


Upgrade from so old firmware is painful. It require manual rewriting. Simple config import create too much errors.

I doing it so:
open old msq , export all tables.
Upgrade firmware (not hard with Vemstune now)
It is recomended to load any working vemscfg or msq for new firmware. From any car.

Then by opening MT with old msq and VT perform rewriting. And finaly make table import using Megatune.
I still suggest use 1.1.53 because of Megatune compatibility. This firmware have some bugs with launch ctrl and flatshift. But main things works perfectly!



Will have to have a think about what version I use. I'm only running a very basic setup. No idle control, no als or flat shift etc.

I just run alphaN on itb's but I'm interested more in good cranking start and acceleration enrichment.

Do any firmwares give better temperature correction and baromic correction? As I'm considering installing a MAP Sensor to my ECU for baromic correction.

Thanks Will